The conference on Human Rights and Business: Plural Legal Approaches to Conflict Resolution, Institutional Strengthening and Legal Reform in Bali, Indonesia, hosted by the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and convened by Forest Peoples Programme and SawitWatch, with facilitation support from Samdhana Institute and RECOFTC, served to develop a regional standard on human rights and agribusiness development. This high-level meeting, opened by UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, drew leaders of human rights commissions within the region, notable academics, NGOs and indigenous peoples? organizations. The conference addressed challenges of upholding rural and indigenous communities? rights and improving local livelihoods and yielded the Bali Declaration on Human Rights and Agribusiness, which illustrates companies? legal obligation to international human rights norms, and calls on national institutions to protect rural citizens? rights in the face of unprecedented pressure by agribusiness development.