In this recent article” RECOFTC Program Officer Ben Vickers reflects on the importance of recognizing rights for local communities in Thailand who are facing increasing…
Two articles that appeared recently in the Bangkok Post highlight the inadequacies of Thailand’s Community Forest Bill (CFB)” which passed the National Legislative Assembly in…
This commentary on the Thailand Community Forest Bill passed on November 21″ 2007 was authored by Matthew Weatherby and Somying Soonthornwong of the THailand Collaborative…
On November 21st the Thai National Legislative Assembly passed a community forestry bill that grants legal rights to forest communities to preserve and manage forest…
The meeting was held in Cagayan de Oro” Philippines on July 26 and 27. It brought together leading thinkers from Indonesia and the Philippines to…
On May 14″ RECOFTC organized and hosted a roundtable discussion on the Community Forest Bill in Thailand. TheCommunity Forest Bill in Thailand is important for forest-dependentrural…
On Monday” December 17th” the Department for International Development (DFID)” United Kingdom” announced major support for the Rights and Resources Initiative through 2012. MPGareth Thomas”…