As Peru undertakes preparations to host the twentieth Conference of Parties (COP 20), many Indigenous Peoples across Peru are also mobilizing to put forth their…
As seen on Intercontinental Cry: A massive trial involving 53 Indigenous leaders and activists is set to begin this week, reviving the tragic events that…
As seen on the Wall Street Journal LIMA, Peru—Mining and hydrocarbon companies are failing to take into account the full cost of community conflicts, which…
As seen on AIDESEP (in Spanish) Decisive phase for Peru and the world Peru is passing through a decisive phase for both the jungles of…
As seen on The Goldman Environmental Prize Overcoming a history of traumatic violence, Ruth Buendía united the Asháninka people in a powerful campaign against large-scale…
As seen on Nature The Peruvian Amazon is an important arena in global efforts to promote sustainable logging in the tropics. Despite recent efforts to…
As seen on Forest Trends About the Conference Just months before Lima hosts over 190 countries to advance international climate negotiations at COP 20, Katoomba…
The Ministry of Culture of Peru has formally recognized the Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact living in five territorial reserves. Although an initial…
As seen on Codpi PERÚ.- En el interior de la Amazonía peruana, haciendo frontera con Ecuador, encontramos uno de los territorios con mayor biodiversidad del planeta,…
As seen on Info Region Con el fin de fortalecer y lograr una mejor participación y aportes de los pueblos indígenas en las negociaciones climáticas y…
Although Indigenous Peoples and local communities have legal ownership of over 33 percent of Latin America’s forests, overlapping claims to their lands continue. In an…
Como se ven en Servindi 31 de marzo, 2014.- El martes 1 de abril el ministerio del Ambiente anunciará la suscripción de un convenio de cooperación…
2013 saw a lot of serious progress in forest tenure reform: legal judgments that upheld the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities; successful local…
Photo: Aljazeera As seen on Ethiopia – Land for Sale
Survival: L’approbation d’un projet gazier au Pérou annonce une véritable catastrophe pour les Indiens isolés
UN: Declaración del Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas” James Anaya” al concluir su visita al Perú
New book reveals that their ability to preserve forests is under threat from land grabs by governments and developers WARSAW, Poland—Through the conservation and…
SPANISH: BIC (Spanish): AIDESEP reclama a la CIDH la situación de los pueblos indígenas en aislamiento voluntario en Perú
On October 30th and 31st” the Socialization of the Studies and Maps of the Investment Projects in Infrastructure” Energy” Extractive Activities and Pressures Affecting Forests…
The crisis of insecure land rights–most immediately felt by the millions of Indigenous Peoples and other local communities who risk losing their lands and livelihoods–profoundly…
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme PRESS INFORMATION: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” 16 September 2013 Photos reveal illegal clearings in ‘isolated’ indigenous peoples’ reserve in Peru’s Amazon…
The BBC: La lucha por la tierra: multinacionales vs. pueblos indígenas
Agence France-Presse: Achats de terres et droits humains: concessions à hauts risques
In a major breakthrough for indigenous community rights” Peru’s Ministry of Culture has recognized the existence of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation in five areas…