As seen on The Guardian Peru is home to the second largest block of Amazon rainforest after Brazil and has promising forest protection schemes (including REDD+) in…
New report by Forest Peoples Programme finds that the Peruvian government is failing to address the real causes of deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon while…
As seen on The New York Times In September, four indigenous activists who stood up to unscrupulous loggers in a remote region of Peru’s rain…
As seen on Newsweek Pucallpa is the end of the road – the last town before the Amazon becomes impenetrable overland. From here, logs floated…
As seen on Mongabay. Liz Kimbrough, correspondent Throughout the tropics, staggering amounts of land have been designated for natural resource extraction—as much as 40…
“Gracias al apoyo de la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), la Coordinadora de las organizaciones indígenas de la cuenca amazónica (COICA),…
Descargue el Dialogo Estados y Propuestas Indígenas sobre COP20 aquí. La Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) es uno de los principales…
With several billboards, radio programs in different cities and a documentary in Lima about Edwin Chota, a new campaign, “Indigenous Action for Humanity”, was launched…
Four networks of institutions in Peru – Colectivo Territorios Seguros para las Comunidades del Perú, la Plataforma de Ordenamiento Territorial, Red Muqui and la Plataforma…
As seen on Peruvian Times The widows of three of four indigenous men who were killed by illegal loggers in the eastern Ucayali region, were in Lima…
As seen on Al Jazeera An outspoken Peruvian opponent of illegal logging and three other native Ashaninka community leaders have been shot and killed in…
This past July, the Peruvian government passed a new law that undermines the country’s environmental regulations. Law 30230 substantially pares down the Environment Ministry’s role…
As seen on Grupo Peru COP20 Tras el reciente mensaje a la Nación del presidente Ollanta Humala Tasso, la coordinadora nacional del MOCICC y vocera…
As seen on DW La líder indígena Ashánika del Perú, Ruth Buendía, fue galardonada este martes (29.7.2014) con el Premio Bartolomé de las Casas, que…
As seen on SPDA Durante la última semana de junio se produjeron dos derrames de petróleo en la localidad de Cuininico, distrito de Uraninas, provincia y…
As seen on RTCC By Sophie Yeo Peru has slashed environmental regulation in an effort to boost the economy, raising questions about its credibility as host…
Download a PDF of this press release here. More than 60 Indigenous Women from Across the World Come Together to Address their Critical Role in…
As seen on Instituto del Bien Común El sábado 14 de junio, el diario El Comercio publicó un editorial en donde alegaba que las tierras en…
Onamiap, 30 de junio de 2014.- La Organización Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas Andinas y Amazónicas del Perú – ONAMIAP en coordinación con la Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de…
As seen on The Wall Street Journal LIMA, Peru—Peru is pushing ahead with measures to shore up private investment and boost growth despite concerns the…
As seen on El Nuevo Herald. LA PAZ, Bolivia — Un grupo de indígenas amazónicos de varios países ha demandado respeto a la madre tierra y a…
As seen on Servindi El viernes 30 de mayo se llevará a cabo, en el Hotel Sol de Oro de Miraflores, el Foro Público: Consulta…
As seen on Lamula “Son pocos; pero son… Abren zanjas oscuras en el rostro más fiero y en el lomo más fuerte. Serán tal vez…
As seen on Global Witness As the trial of more than 50 indigenous leaders gets underway in Peru, Global Witness urges the government to ensure…