“Avoided deforestation” and the rights of Indigenous Peoples
“Avoided deforestation” and the rights of Indigenous Peoples

Forest Peoples Programmehas recently published a new report highlighting the potential threatsto Indigenous Peoples and local communities from climate changemitigation initiatives like “Avoided Deforestation” (AD)…

Conservation and Human Rights
Conservation and Human Rights

A new IUCN article explores the ambivalent relation between conservation” and the NGOs that promote it” and human rights and democratization. It will be available…

News from Papua New Guinea – FPCD and CSAG at ITTC 42
News from Papua New Guinea – FPCD and CSAG at ITTC 42

During the 42nd session of the International Tropical Timber Council”which took place in Port Moresby” Papua New Guinea last week” the CivilSociety and Advisory Group…

Course takes the heat out of village disagreements
Course takes the heat out of village disagreements

Communities that live and work in forest settings would seemunlikely sites for conflict. But tension exists even in these quietrural settings – most commonly reflected…