CSR Asia: Land rights and forest peoples
CSR Asia: Land rights and forest peoples

As seen on CSR Asia By Richard Welford June 6″ 2012 Reports of ‘land grabs’ and people being forced off their property in countries where…

Forest Peoples Programme February E-Newsletter
Forest Peoples Programme February E-Newsletter

The newsletter can be downloaded from the FPP website by clicking here Dear Friends”Balancing human beings’ need for decent livelihoods against the imperative of securing…

NPR: A Battle Is Under Way For The Forests Of Borneo
NPR: A Battle Is Under Way For The Forests Of Borneo

As written by Anthony Kuhn for NPR on 21 August 2011. A spry 80-year-old cruises through the thick vegetation of western Borneo” or western Kalimantan”…

IPS: Indonesians Await Forest Tenure Reform
IPS: Indonesians Await Forest Tenure Reform

As written by Amantha Perera for Inter Press Services on 21 July 2011. Barbecue fires along the winding trail through the Sesaot forest reserve act…