Photo: Mongabay As seen on Indonesia urged to implement decision recognizing indigenous rights to land
Photo: Amantha Perera/IPS Photo As seen on the Jakarta Globe Indonesia’s rainforests are facing “legal land grabs”” nongovernmental organizations have alleged. Its ancient communities are finding…
As seen on the Original Article
By Forest Peoples Programme, Sawit Watch and TUK Indonesia – 7 November, 2013 Click here to read related PRESS RELEASE Read this report in English…
As seen on Bisnis JAKARTA- Sedikitnya 56.102 hektare lahan adat di Kalimantan mengalami tumpang-tindih dengan konsesi perkebunan kelapa sawit. Masalah itu akhirnya menimbulkan konflik lahan. Hal…
Mongabay: With training” local communities can accurately and cost-effectively measure forest carbon
As seen on Original Article
As seen on Capacity 4 Dev On 30 September 2013″ representatives from the Government of Indonesia and the European Union (EU) marked their mutual commitment to…
The BBC: La lucha por la tierra: multinacionales vs. pueblos indígenas
Nurman Nuri, Leader of the Suku Anak Dalam group 113 of Pinang Tinggi in the Indonesian province of Jambi, stated in a press conference held…
A video on the Constitutional Court Ruling No. 35 in Indonesia that returns the forests to their traditional stewards by HuMa. Original Source
As seen on Instituto Carbono Brasil Três novos trabalhos buscam chamar atenção da sociedade e dos governos para os prejuízos resultantes das perdas de ecossistemas” dos…
Agence France-Presse: Achats de terres et droits humains: concessions à hauts risques
As seen on Original Article
As seen on Forest Peoples Programme The 64 participants of this workshop drawn from South East Asian National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) from the Philippines” Indonesia”…
As seen on the Jakarta Informer An organization representing Indonesia’s indigenous people is determined to map out the country’s customary forests in order to save them…
Antara News (Original Article in Indonesian)
Forest Peoples Programme latest report” Agribusiness Large-Scale Acquisitions and Human Rights in Southeast Asia” highlights the social” economic” and environmental effects of large-scale land acquisitions in Southeast…
As seen on the International Bar Association Rising demand for agricultural commodities has led to a ‘land grab’ in some of the world’s poorest countries. IBA…
Photo: © 2008 David Gilbert As seen on Original Article
The English version of the Indonesian Constitutional Court's Decision regarding the 1999 Forestry Law is now available. The decision states that customary forests of…
As seen on here.
As seen on the World Agroforestry Centre Small- and large-scale farmers in Riau province” Sumatra” have been blamed for the recent choking smoke smothering Singapore and…
As seen on the Though one of us lives in Central America and the other in Indonesia — nearly half the Earth’s circumference away from…