This document includes the results of the study Contributions of Indigenous Women's Entrepreneurship in Colombia to their Economy, Territorial Governance and Climate Resilience during COVID-19, which brings together four case studies of entrepreneurship led by Indigenous women from different regions of Colombia.

Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023

Discover the power of collective action: learn about some of our pivotal successes of 2023 that energize us as we embark upon our 2024 workplans.

Inclusion of human, ethnic and gender rights in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Colombia and Peru (in Spanish)
Inclusion of human, ethnic and gender rights in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Colombia and Peru (in Spanish)

In December 2015, the Paris Agreement was adopted at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Five years after the submission the NDC proposals and their initial implementation, signatory countries had to update and share the progress of their NDCs in 2020. This study carried out by Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad, ONAMIAP (National Organization of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Women of Peru) and RRI analyzes the degree that human rights, women’s rights, and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants are included in the NDCs of Colombia and Peru, as well as in the processes related to updating them.

Whose Water?
Whose Water?

This report presents an innovative, international comparative assessment on the extent to which various national-level legal frameworks recognize the freshwater tenure rights of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants, and local communities, as well as the specific rights of women to use and govern community waters.

Legislative Best Practices for Securing Women’s Rights to Community Lands
Legislative Best Practices for Securing Women’s Rights to Community Lands

This brief highlights key attributes of national constitutions, laws, and regulations that play a fundamental role in protecting indigenous and rural women’s rights to community forests and other community lands. These legislative best practices were derived from a 2017 analysis of over 400 national laws and regulations, Power and Potential, which evaluates the extent to which women’s rights to community forests are recognized by national law in 30 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

This report discusses the critical role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the context of emerging climate and development priorities, and the unprecedented opportunity to scale up the recognition and protection of community land and resource rights—both for the benefit of rural peoples and for the realization of global peace and prosperity.

Women’s Leadership, Agency, and Voice
Women’s Leadership, Agency, and Voice

This report synthesizes research findings on gender dynamics and the implications for gender justice in community-based tenure systems in Zambia and Bolivia.

Power and Potential
Power and Potential

A new analysis from RRI provides an unprecedented assessment of legal frameworks regarding indigenous and rural women’s community forest rights in 30 developing countries comprising 78 percent of the developing world’s forests.

Promise and Performance: 10 Years of the Forest Rights Act in India
Promise and Performance: 10 Years of the Forest Rights Act in India

This report highlights FRA’s potential in transforming forest governance by empowering local communities and the gram sabha to protect and conserve forests; ensuring livelihood security and poverty alleviation; securing gender justice; meeting SDG, especially the goals of eliminating poverty and achieving ecological sustainability; and dealing with climate change.

Lots of Words, Little Action
Lots of Words, Little Action

While there were many encouraging pronouncements in 2013—from courts, governments, and some of the world’s largest corporations —unfortunately, progress for community land rights on the ground remains very limited.

Gender in Forest Tenure
Gender in Forest Tenure

This chapter aims to demonstrate the strong connection between gender-sensitive forest tenure reforms and improved livelihood indicators, forest conservation, and overall gender equity in South…