The Rights and Resources Initiative congratulates Ms. Apsara Chapagain on her election as the new Chairperson of the Federation of Community Forestry Users” Nepal (FECOFUN)….
The End of the Hinterland: Forests” Conflict and Climate Change” RRI's first annual report on the global state of forests and tenure” continues to garner…
“Campaign for Inclusion and Good Governance in Community Forestry” Rights of Local Communities over Natural Resource and their Recognition in the New Constitution” The…
The Brazilian Supreme Court is set to punctuate a long” contentious history of indigenous affairs in Brazil with the finalizing of this historic land transfer. …
Making REDD Work for the Forest-Dependent Poor: Civil Society Perspectives from the South In a joint policy statement released by RRI Partner Federation of Community…
UPDATE: October 19″ 2008; Chinese government officials make formal announcement on farmers' land rights. Read about announcement at Xinhua News Online. 12 October 2008: The…
An article by Ben Block of WorldWatch discusses how indigenous peoples and traditional groups are expressing concern over further disempowerment that may result from the…
Forest Trade and Market Reforms in the Mekong Region: Creating a network to support sustainability” legality and pro-poor outcomes In late August” Forest Trends and…
July 31″ 2008 – Monrovia – The NGO Coalition for Liberia has sounded a warning that the Government of Liberia is threatening its own reform…
A milestone in China’s rural development and forestland management was established on July 14″ 2008″ when the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)…
This here>>
Without strong land rights” vulnerable forest communities face greater poverty” violent conflict” and few benefits from carbon sales ’s forests” if efforts to address climate…
Read the full report from NFFPFW on the Forest Peoples Programme website here.
On February 28th and 29th” RRI and Peking University hosted a two-day international conference on tenure and regulatory reform in China. The event included participants…
On February 26th and 27th” RRI convened a series of meetings in Beijing to plan collaborative work over the next several years among RRI Partners…
Although they defend their overall policy toward forestry and development in the Congo” the World Bank recently admitted certain ommissions in forestry reforms that would…
On November 21st the Thai National Legislative Assembly passed a community forestry bill that grants legal rights to forest communities to preserve and manage forest…
The 43rd Council Session of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) was held November 5-10″ 2007 in Yokohama Japan. This was the first Council session…
Bangkok” September 3″ 2007 A challenge to experts opens conference on poverty and forests. Crippling poverty” violent conflict” insecure ownership” restricted access to basic resources…
The meeting was held in Cagayan de Oro” Philippines on July 26 and 27. It brought together leading thinkers from Indonesia and the Philippines to…
RRI partner Forest Trends published a new report in their series on China and Forest Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region. The report is titled Environmental Aspects…
A new opinion article in the Wall Street Journal highlights bold policyand institutional forest sector reforms in China and laggingimplementation of JFM in India. China…
China Daily published the following article today” highlighting theresponsibility of Western markets in the loss of forest cover intropical areas. “Western consumption 'causes forest shrinkage'…