As seen on the Asia Indigenous People's Pact (AIPP) website Statement from AIPP on June 19″ 20120 Today” Mexico presented its latest version of the…
RRI is pleased to share the introductory chapter of Forest Tenure Reform: New Resource Rights for Forest based Communities?” published in the Journal of Conservation and Society…
As seen on By Chris Lang” 1st June 2012 Land rights are crucial to REDD. This week” the Rights and Resources Initiative released a…
As seen in Modern Ghana May 30″ 2012 By Samuel Hinneh A new research has revealed a high rise in community land rights in tropical…
As seen on Newstrack IndiaNew Delhi” May 30 (IANS) Millions of forest people in tropical nations” including India” have won unprecedented legal rights to land…
As seen on“There can be no prosperity without infrastructure” but infrastructure projects don’t necessarily benefit the poor. Past energy” water and transport strategies have…
In an important win for the efforts of the RRI Coalition in Cameroon” led by Cameroon Ecology (Cam-Eco)” the Government has agreed to declassify several…
Click here to read the article” available in French.
By Emilio Godoy MEXICO CITY” Apr 2″ 2012 (IPS) – Despite the key role they play in caring for natural resources in the face of…
or the road map for the RRI coalition's contribution to the Cameroonian forest law reform process in French.
Cecile Ndjebet from Cameroon Ecology and REFACOF (African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests) on the work she is doing to promote women's rights…
As written by Bisong Etahoben for the Africa Review on 30 July 2011. African women want their governments to undertake reforms that will enable them…
As written by John Muchangi for Nairobi Star on April 4″ 2011. The controversial shamba system may be good for Kenyan forests” a new study…
Watch an AFP TV report on Zapotec forest management in Oaxaca” Mexico here.
As written on 8 February 2011. “Rapidly-rising food prices and growing demand for all land-based commodities” like palm oil and biofuels” are driving an intensive…
Will the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity finally accept proposed solutions to halt biodiversity loss that also benefit forest communities? For all forest peoples” the…
Can You Imagine? : Opening remarks of the Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms in Asia
Opening Remarks Conference on Forest Tenure and Regulatory Reforms: Experiences” Lessons and Future Steps in Asia Delivered by Andy White” Coordinator” Rights and Resources Initiative…
Center for Environmental Development have held consultations with indigenous communities in Cameroon regarding the impacts of climate change to the forests of Cameroon and the implications…
The Accra Caucus on Forests and Climate Change published a report this month which details an alternative vision for slowing deforestation through addressing the drivers…
A resolution linking climate change to national and international security was approved by the UN General Assembly on Wednesday” June third. As reported by Claudia…
Regional workshops addressing government forestry classification practices were recently held in the towns of Edea and Kribi” Cameroon. The meetings were organized by Cameroon Ecology”…