As seen on Green Pages Brazil nut harvesters in Puerto Maldonado” Peru. CIFOR/Gabriela Ramirez Galindo LIMA” Peru (10 April” 2013) – In the past three…
As seen on PRESSTV The international NGO Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) has released two reports” examining land transactions in West and Central Africa” which…
CED: Rapport sur la Transparence dans le secteur foncier au Cameroun
As seen on Kribi — Forest dwellers forced off their land in southern Cameroon after it was leased to private companies have been allowed…
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As seen on AlertNet Two members of a Bagyeli pygmy community standing near their forest home in the south of Cameroon. ALERTNET/Elias Ntungwe Ngalame…
As seen on IRIN Asia PHNOM PENH” 15 March 2013 (IRIN) – Faced with widespread evictions and opaque private sector deals” activists in Cambodia are…
Comme on le voit sur Média Terre La réunion du 13ème dialogue régional sur les forêts” la gouvernance et les changements climatiques en Afrique s'est…
Ecoutez Samuel Nguiffo Dans deux études” l’ONG Initiative des droits et ressources (RRI) fait valoir que certains ministères africains choisissent d’offrir les ressources naturelles aux…
As seen on AllAfrica Samuel Nguiffo” director of the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) based in Cameroon” discusses how to recognize and protect community…
The Rights and Resources Initiative” Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC)” the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)” and the Cameroon Ministry of Forest and Wildlife (MINFOF)…
AllAfrica: Photoessays: African Governments Giving Land Away Quickly” Recognizing Land Rights Slowly
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On March 4th” 2013″” sister site to the
AIDESEP Press Release: In the face of the hearing (Audiencia de Control de la Acusación Fiscal) scheduled to be held in the Bagua Transitory Penal…
RRI has released two new analyses highlighting the wide-ranging impacts and risks of land and concession deals in Africa” with a particular focus on Central…
Comme on le voit sur Agence Congolaise de Presse Kinshasa” 19/02 (ACP). -Le Conseil pour la défense environnementale par la légalité et la traçabilité (CODELT)…
Dari FPP 18 Februari 2013 Lembar Berita Elektronik FPP: Februari 2013 (versi PDF) Sahabat-sahabat tercinta” Saat seseorang mengatakan bahwa suatu solusi gagal karena ‘kurangnya kemauan…
From FPP 18 February” 2013 Read more From logging concessions to carbon concessions: What difference for communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo? In…
February 11-12″ 2013″ Rome” Italy We” the indigenous peoples of Asia” Africa” Pacific” Latin America and the Caribbean” still conserve our diverse identities” cultures and…
As seen on Democratic Voice of Burma A crowd in Malaysia protests the construction of the Myitsone dam in Burma's Kachin state. (Reuters) Burma has…
As seen on On the Horizon – A bulletin by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre The 14th Dialogue on “Forests” Governance and Climate…