ForestAction Quarterly Update – March 2012
ForestAction Quarterly Update – March 2012

The March 2012 issue of ForestAction's Quarterly Update contains the following: Input on Forest Act Amendment documentation: ForestAction comments to the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation's…

Nepali Times: Uprooting Grassroots Democracy
Nepali Times: Uprooting Grassroots Democracy

As written in Nepali Times on 24 February” 2012 In stark contrast to the foot-dragging in parliament over the ratification of three key international agreements…

República: Nurturing Nature
República: Nurturing Nature

As written by Uday R Sharma on 22 February” 2012 Nepal has created an impressive array of protected areas in order to conserve its rich…

Forest Peoples Programme February E-Newsletter
Forest Peoples Programme February E-Newsletter

The newsletter can be downloaded from the FPP website by clicking here Dear Friends”Balancing human beings’ need for decent livelihoods against the imperative of securing…

Liberia: the good” the bad” the ugly
Liberia: the good” the bad” the ugly

On 20 September 2011″ Silas Siakor presented a 'brown bag' lunch talk on the current situation of concessions and land policy in his native Liberia. …

NPR: A Battle Is Under Way For The Forests Of Borneo
NPR: A Battle Is Under Way For The Forests Of Borneo

As written by Anthony Kuhn for NPR on 21 August 2011. A spry 80-year-old cruises through the thick vegetation of western Borneo” or western Kalimantan”…