Intercooperation and ALER conducted a training for rural radio programmers to develop effective radio programs for addressing climate change, its effects on rural and indigenous…
Intercooperation and ALER conducted a training for rural radio programmers to develop effective radio programs for addressing climate change, its effects on rural and indigenous…
La Asociaci?n Coordinadora Ind?gena y Campesina de Agroforester?a Comunitaria de Centroam?rica (ACICAFOC), the Asociaci?n Gaia, and RRI organized a workshop to discuss the current conditions…
RRI’s Mesoamerican Dialogue on Forests, Governance, and Climate Change, which took place in San Salvador, El Salvador, brought together participants from across Central America and…
Intercooperation contributed to the implementation of the “land component” of the new farm bill, establishing 147 communal land boards and seven local land committees. These…
Intercooperation worked with the Malian Ministry?s new unit commissioned to help decentralize services within the Ministry of Environment and Sanitation. Interaction with this unit resulted…
In Mali, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) held a national workshop on gender, rights and tenure. The workshop gathered rural women from four…
In Liberia, the Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI) led a series of social mobilization and planning workshops with women engaged in natural resource management in…
Cameroon Ecology hosted a workshop in Ed?a, Cameroon on REDD and climate change, aimed at deepening RRI’s understanding of these issues and their implications for…
A strategic meeting between the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife and the Ministry of Domain and Land in Cameroon led to the development of a…
Cameroon Ecology held a workshop on gender and natural resource management in Cameroon to share the results of a study conducted to analyze women?s tenure…
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) held a workshop to examine the intersection of gender, rights, and tenure with climate change policy in…
Leaders from governments, NGOs, and communities from around Asia examined the status of tenure and the global status of REDD, and recommended national-level institutional frameworks…
RRI’s latet analysis, Does the Opportunity Cost Approach Indicate the Real Cost of REDD+ addresses whether the value of land productivity can determine REDD+ feasbility…
MegaFlorestais 2010 took place September 20-23 in Wuyishan, Fujian Province, China. Forest agency leaders from Indonesia, China, DRC, Canada, USA, Cameroon, Brazil and Mexico shared…
Intercooperation, with support from La Asociaci?n Coordinadora Ind?gena y Campesina de Agroforester?a Comunitaria de Centroam?rica (ACICAFOC), Forest Trends, and the International Union for Conservation of…
Indigenous leaders from the autonomous territories of Nicaragua and their supporters met in Bilwi, Nicaragua to discuss key governance issues and design an upcoming training…
In Ecuador, Intercooperation and ALER (Latin American Association of Radio Education) met to design workshops on Climate Change, Forests and Indigenous Peoples for radio communicators…
Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) organized a meeting between Cameroonian government officials and members of civil society to…
Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) held a workshop with Cameroonian civil society in Yaound?, Cameroon to discuss the…
Green Advocates launched the Legislative Caucus on Community Rights and Natural Resources in Monrovia, Liberia to advance implementation of the new Community Rights Law. More…
The Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and the Center for Environment and Development (CED) trained the indigenous Bagyeli and Baka communities of Cameroon on REDD, rights…
The Center for People and Forests’ (RECOFTC) report, Forests and Climate Change after Copenhagen: An Asia-Pacific perspective, provides an analysis of REDD+ initiatives in Asia…
The Center for People and Forests’ (RECOFTC) paper, Vietnam: Why REDD+ Needs Local People, underlines the importance of active engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local…
Rural Development Institute?s new study, Who Owns the Carbon in Rural China?examines the long-term viability of China?s carbon sequestration programs amidst ongoing reforms and its…