At the 11th RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, focusing on the ?Status and Role of Public and Private Finance to Reduce Forest…
At the 11th RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change, focusing on the ?Status and Role of Public and Private Finance to Reduce Forest…
The Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) organized a workshop in Liberia to facilitate discussion on REDD, plantations, and community rights on land and forests. The workshop…
A multi-stakeholder dialogue on pit-sawing, organized by Green Advocates, led to a review and validation of the Draft Chainsaw Regulations. The participants agreed to recommit…
Green Advocates hosted the Liberian Legislative Caucus on a Community Rights and Natural Resources tour, bringing them to communities affected by Sime Darby oil palm…
Participants at the capacity building workshop hosted by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for members of Mali?s National Federation of Rural Women?s Associations…
The Tenure Champions? National Platform, a group of civil society organizations from Burkina Faso, engaged in advocacy for land and forest tenure policies favorable to…
The country-level forums hosted by Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI) in Gbarpolu and Grand Bassa counties, led to resolutions outlining the way forward for improving…
The workshop on participatory mapping in Cameroon yielded clear recommendations for integrating mapping into national decision making, and produced a road map for the participatory…
The 10th RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance & Climate Change focusing on “Common Approaches to Dealing with the Challenges of Food Security and B210 Climate…
The International Conference on Forest Tenure, Governance and Enterprise: Experiences and Opportunities for Asia in a Changing Context drew 300 participants from government, civil society,…
The second Workshop on Climate Change, Financial Mechanisms for Emissions Reductions, and the Role of Communities in Bogot?, Colombia heightened the understanding of the impacts…
RRI provided recommendations for ensuring that REDD has a positive impact at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land & Poverty in Washington DC on…
The Latin America Institute for Alternative Law and Society (ILSA) organized a workshop titled Climate Change, Financial Mechanisms for Emissions Reductions, and the Role of…
TEBTEBBA and the Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) cohosted the 9th RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance & Climate Change in London. The Dialogue brought together leading…
Intercooperation worked with ALER, AGRECOL-Andes, and SERVINDI on a variety of communications focused-projects related to climate change, forests and indigenous peoples. These projects include three…
Intercooperation began a new project called “Opportunities, Risks and Challenges of REDD/PES Mitigation Mechanisms for Latin American Indigenous and Peasant Communities” which aims to analyze…
Forest Trends sponsored a regional workshop on ?Compensation and Payments for Ecosystem Services? in La Ceiba, Honduras in early fall in which ten different countries…
Intercooperation and the Malian Ministry of Environment and Sanitation?s organized a workshop clarifying the legal /administrative framework of local conventions in early October. The workshop…
RRI Africa Regional Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The event brought stakeholders from across the continent to…
Chairperson Apsara Chapagain of the Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) led a peaceful demonstration in a continued effort to protest proposed amendments to…
The Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) contributed legal advice for a constitutional review of the Indonesian Plantations Act and the elaboration of a draft Bill on…
Through increased lobbying efforts and publication distribution, Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and local collaborators persuaded the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to revise (again) and further…
Intercooperation and Servicios en Comunicaci?n Intercultural Servindi (SERVINDI), with support from the Provincial Municipality of Coronel Portillo and the Intercultural University of the Peruvian Amazon…
The Instituto del Bien Com?n (IBC) held a workshop on the rights of Indigenous Peoples to consultation for projects undertaken on their territories. The workshop…