The Indigenous and Peasant Coordinator of Communal Agroforestry in Central America (ACICAFOC) created a social map of forest areas in Central America to help strengthen…
The Indigenous and Peasant Coordinator of Communal Agroforestry in Central America (ACICAFOC) created a social map of forest areas in Central America to help strengthen…
In Bolivia, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Center for Labor and Agrarian Development Studies, and the Government of Bolivia analyzed new territorial…
In Liberia, local NGOs Green Advocates and the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI), with support from RRI parnter, Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and HELVETAS, worked with…
Federation of community forestry users of Nepal (FECOFUN Nepal) and the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) supported a meeting of the Global Alliance of…
During the 3rd annual MegaFlorestais meeting, forest agency leaders discussed avoided deforestation and the global bio-energy market, with a focus on REDD and carbon finance…..
The Forest Peoples Programme’s (FPP) latest study focuses on Burundi, Cameroon, DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. Based on historical and legal arguments, the analyses highlight how…
The Forest People’s Programme (FPP) released their report Seeing REDD: Forests, climate change mitigation and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities just in…
At the Center for International Forestry Research’s (CIFOR) Forest Day 2 side event, RRI partners, the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), the International Union…
This policy brief provides negotiators, governments, and inter-governmental organizations a road map for ensuring that responses to climate change do not undermine national social and…
The conference provided the first major opportunity for advocates and policymakers to consider climate change mitigation and adaptation from a rights-based perspective. Participants discussed options…
The Ministry of Environment of Brazil sent an Executive Decree on Family and Community Forestry to President Lula. The Decree was signed into law on…
In Bolivia, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Government of Bolivia have completed a…
Cameroonian community leaders, government representatives, researchers and members of the RRI coalition met in Ed?a, Cameroon to discuss alternative models for tenure and enterprise in…
Following the 2002 report Who Owns the World’s Forests?, RRI’s latest analysis From Exclusion to Ownership? Challenges and opportunities inadvancing forest tenure reform, which analyzes…
In this global report, Seeing People Through the Trees: Scaling up efforts to advance rights and address poverty,conflict and climate change, RRI reviews the history…
RRI and the Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) held a press conference with the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID) in the House of Commons…
RRI and collaborators provoked discussion of alternative tenure and enterprise models in Liberia during a workshop at the University of Liberia in Monrovia. The seminar…
RRI coordinated the 2007 MegaFlorestais meeting of public forest agency leaders dedicated to advancing frank dialogue on transitions in forest governance. Leaders of forest agencies…
RRI partners met with representatives of the Global Alliance for Community Forestry (GAFC) in February in San Jos?, Costa Rica and Beijing, China. Representatives agreed…
Representatives from community forest enterprises and 40 countries issued recommendations for supporting community forest management and enterprise during the international conference in Brazil last July….
RRI conducted case studies of Alternative Tenure and Enterprise Models (ATEMs) in community forest enterprises in Ghana, Cameroon, the Gambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo,…