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MegaFlorestais holds its 3rd Annual Meeting

During the 3rd annual MegaFlorestais meeting, forest agency leaders discussed avoided deforestation and the global bio-energy market, with a focus on REDD and carbon finance…..

In Nepal, key political parties

endorsed community forestry on record in their election manifestoes and platforms due in large part to RRI advocacy, culminating in successful Constituent Assembly election. RRI…

In India, the government

issued new Forest Rights Act Amendment Rules 2012 that strengthen collective rights and restrict bureaucratic powers over forest dwelling communities. This issuance was a direct…

In Indonesia, the Government

accepted a new Roadmap developed by RRI-supported Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and established a multi-sectoral Working Group on Forest Tenure, inclusive of ministries, to craft…

RRI obtained a historic

and unprecedented commitment by the Government of Indonesia to launch a forest tenure reform process and recognize indigenous land claims. This achievement came about at…

A Regional Dialogue in Nepal

on Community Forests and Property Rights in the Context of Climate Change, held in Nepal, established new connections between national- and local-level stakeholders, and took…

RRI collaborators introduced new analysis

on effectiveness of implementation of India’s 2006 Forest Rights Act, which strengthened local and international stakeholders’ understanding of statewide reforms and national issues.

The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry

formally recognizing a need for greater indigenous and community rights through legal reforms, spurring a dialogue on palm oil and climate change issues in the…

The government in Laos

agreed to a new proposal by RRI to study and learn from tenure reforms in other countries to promote tenure reforms supported by key government…

Effectively introduced concepts

of regulatory takings and need for grievance redress mechanisms to key policy makers in China.

A national-level confederation

of natural resource user groups in Nepal established a multi-party constituent assembly forum and used RRI analysis to advocate for constitutional guarantee to community rights…

9 catalytic investments

in pilots or implementation (China, Lao, Nepal)

5 new analyses

focused on national reforms in China and Nepal

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