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RRI’s regional RRI Dialogue for Mesoamerica,

held in El Salvador, provided a space for frank and open discussion between decision makers and civil society organizations on the role of forests in…

Lowland indigenous organizations

in Bolivia bolstered negotiation capacity and participated in governmental decision-making at the governmental on key legislation related to territorial rights, representation and natural resource management.

A Regional Dialogue in Nepal

on Community Forests and Property Rights in the Context of Climate Change, held in Nepal, established new connections between national- and local-level stakeholders, and took…

RRI collaborators introduced new analysis

on effectiveness of implementation of India’s 2006 Forest Rights Act, which strengthened local and international stakeholders’ understanding of statewide reforms and national issues.

The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry

formally recognizing a need for greater indigenous and community rights through legal reforms, spurring a dialogue on palm oil and climate change issues in the…

The regional dialogue on Forests,

Governance and Climate Change held in Ethiopia fostered new links with the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), high-level…

A strong coalition of networks

in Ghana led a well-organized campaign and influenced the Presidential Commission assigned to amend the Constitution to strengthen natural resource tenure and governance policies.

Following RRI’s advocacy,

the Liberian government’s commitment to implementation of the 2006 Forest Law, its regulations and a new Community Rights Law established a mandate for communities to…

Compiled a new dataset

on depth of statutory tenure rights in 15 countries and made extensive forest tenure data for 40 countries available online.

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