In Ecuador, Intercooperation and ALER (Latin American Association of Radio Education) met to design workshops on Climate Change, Forests and Indigenous Peoples for radio communicators…
In Ecuador, Intercooperation and ALER (Latin American Association of Radio Education) met to design workshops on Climate Change, Forests and Indigenous Peoples for radio communicators…
Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) organized a meeting between Cameroonian government officials and members of civil society to…
Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and the Centre for Environment and Development (CED) held a workshop with Cameroonian civil society in Yaound?, Cameroon to discuss the…
Green Advocates launched the Legislative Caucus on Community Rights and Natural Resources in Monrovia, Liberia to advance implementation of the new Community Rights Law. More…
The Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and the Center for Environment and Development (CED) trained the indigenous Bagyeli and Baka communities of Cameroon on REDD, rights…
The Third Annual Meeting of the Africa Community Rights Network took place in Monrovia, Liberia. Delegates from 10 African countries participated and were joined by…
The Sustainable Development Institute (SID) held its 2nd Annual Conference on Community Rights and Forests in Monrovia, Liberia. The conference gathered community forestry development committees…
At the request of the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry, RRI provided an overview of global forest tenure trends to members of the Ministry. The presentation…
The Center for People and Forests’ (RECOFTC) report, Forests and Climate Change after Copenhagen: An Asia-Pacific perspective, provides an analysis of REDD+ initiatives in Asia…
The Center for People and Forests’ (RECOFTC) paper, Vietnam: Why REDD+ Needs Local People, underlines the importance of active engagement of Indigenous Peoples and local…
Rural Development Institute?s new study, Who Owns the Carbon in Rural China?examines the long-term viability of China?s carbon sequestration programs amidst ongoing reforms and its…
Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) mobilized political support for the recongition of community rights to natural resources and other pro-poor legislation in the…
RRI?s latest Tenure Trends analysis reveal how the centralization of forest management and control can lead to rollback on tenure reform. In China, where management…
In an conference co-organized by RRI, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Office of UN Envoy Bill Clinton, Forest Trends and the International Development…
RRI’s paper, Securing Tenure Rights and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD),illustrates the social benefits of recognizing tenure rights in combating climate change and…
A report authored by RRI President Andy White, RRI Fellow Hans Gregersen and forest economists Hosny El-Lakany and Alain Karsenty, Does the Opportunity Cost Approach…
Participants and panelists at the 5th RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance, and Climate Change assessed the emerging REDD+ partnership, the recent UNFCCC sessions in Bonn…
RRI holds a workshop on systems of standards, safeguards, and recourse mechanisms for forests and climate, took stock of the existing status of standards, safeguards,…
RRI discusses REDD’s architecture and areas of intervention in enhancing local participation and benefits at the 4th Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change.
In response to community requests to clarify resource rights to Brazil nut trees in Bolivia, RRI partners Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) trained community…
In Costa Rica, Intercooperation, Forest Trends, La Asociaci?n Coordinadora Ind?gena y Campesina de Agroforester?a Comunitaria de Centroam?rica (ACICAFOC), and International Union for Conservation of Nature…
RRI collaborator Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Laboral y Agrario (CEDLA) latest publication, The Map of Actors Involved in the Discussions and Design of…
In Nepal, RRI partners the Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) helped organize and lead a rally of 35,000 Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs)…
RRI partners the Federation of community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN) and Intercooperation met with senior Nepali politicians to lobby for community ownership to be included…