State of Rights and Resources 2012-2013




Location Name:
Royal Society



The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) co-hosted with Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) a panel discussion and the launch of its annual review of the state of rights and resources: Landowners of Laborers: What choice will developing countries make?

Watch the full video recording of the event.

In 2012" a key choice facing developing countries was revealed ever more starkly. Would they choose a development path built on inclusiveness and respect for the rights of their citizens" or would they opt instead for extractive exploitation of their people's land and natural resources? RRI's annual review report identifies this and other key choices and challenges that emerged in 2012 for forest rights and tenure globally" faced now by leaders of developing countries in 2013 and beyond. In addition" RRI launched new analyses" The Financial Risks of Insecure Land Tenure: An Investment View" prepared by The Munden Project. This paper investigates the real financial consequences of investing in land with disputed tenure rights. The findings demonstrate that companies and their investors can face substantial risks when they overlook or underestimate the land tenure contestation in rural areas.

Panelists included:

Li Ping - Senior Attorney" Landesa" China

Samuel Nguiffo - Secretary General" Center for Environment and Development" Cameroon

Maung Maung Than - Project Coordinator/Consultant (Capacity Building Program for Community Forestry in Myanmar)" RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests

Joji Carino - Coordinator of the IIFB Working Group on Indicators" Tebtebba" Philippines

Saskia Ozinga - Campaign Coordinator" Climate Change" Export Credit Agencies and Forest Peoples" FERN

Jeffrey Hatcher - Director" Global Programs" RRI

The discussion was moderated by Fred Pearce" journalist and author of the book" The Land Grabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth. Opening remarks were delivered by Tom Griffiths" Coordinator - Responsible Finance Programme" Forest Peoples Programme" and Andy White" Coordinator" Rights and Resources Initiative. 

Download the Agenda

This event was webcast live. Watch a full recording of the event.

Please contact Madiha Qureshi with questions.