MegaFlorestais 2014



MegaFlorestais 2014 was held on May 5-9, 2014, and co-hosted by the Cameroonian Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Rights and Resources Initiative. Delegations of the following countries/organizations attended the meeting: Cameroon, Canada, China, COMIFAC, DR Congo, Gabon, Indonesia, Sweden and the USA. The conference was the ninth meeting of “MegaFlorestais,” an informal group of public forest agency leaders dedicated to advancing international dialogue and exchange on transitions in forest governance, forest industry, and the roles of public forest agencies. The group includes the heads of forestry agencies of the largest forest countries in the world which are willing to share their experiences and challenges in a frank, open and technical manner. This event was an activity of the MegaFlorestais network. Participation was by invitation only. For more information on MegaFlorestais 2014, visit the event page.