MegaFlorestais 2010

09/20/2010 - 09/23/2010


P.R. China

Location Name:
Wuyi Mountain Villa


P.R. China

MEGAflorestais 2010 was co-hosted by the State Forest Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Fujian Forestry Department" in cooperation with RRI. 

The conference was the fifth meeting of “MegaFlorestais"” an informal group of public forest agency leaders dedicated to advancing international dialogue and exchange on transitions in forest governance" forest industry" and the roles of public forest agencies. The group included the heads of forestry agencies of the largest forest countries in the world which are willing to share their experiences and challenges in a frank" open and technical manner.

The meeting in the Wuyi Mountains continued MegaFlorestais’ focus on forest tenure" policy and regulations" and the changing roles of forest agencies – issues that are particularly critical  today because of the increased attention being paid to forests in the global discussions on climate change mitigation and adaptation. In addition" the meeting discussed transitions in the global forest industry" and how agencies are responding to ensure that their domestic industries continue to contribute to rural development" as well as climate change and the role of forest agencies in addressing this critical global challenge.


Synopsis - MegaFlorestais 2010


List of Participants


Don Roberts - Convergence of the Markets for Food" Feed" Fuel and Fiber: Opportunities or Cause for Concern for Global Forests?

Xu Jintao - Collective Forest Tenure Reform: Preliminary Evaluation

Arvind Khare - Public Forest Reform: Rationales" Experiences" Questions

Hosny El-Lakany - Necessity and potential of afforestation" forest protection and restoration

Luiz Joels - Towards Community Forestry

Frederic Djengo - State of Play of Forest Reforms in DRC

Leslie Weldon - The Challenge of Land Management in an Era of Climate Change

Hosny El-Lakany - Not easy" fast or cheap: A framework for identifying the real cost of REDD+