RRI Annual Review of the State of Rights and Resources 2015-2016

Press Release

New Data Reveals Investors Cannot Buy Their Way Out of Direct Engagement with Local Peoples; Lack of Government Action to Recognize and Clarify Land Rights Poses Huge Risk to Investors

Download the press release: ENGLISH | FRENCH SPANISH


Closing the Gap: Strategies and scale needed to secure rights and save forests

Download the report: ENGLISH FRENCH | SPANISH

Protecting the DRC’s Forest: Protected Areas for People and Planet

Download the report: ENGLISH | FRENCH

Protecting Liberia’s Forest: Conservation for People and Planet

Download the report: ENGLISH

IAN: Managing Tenure Risk

Download the report: ENGLISH


To arrange interviews with the authors or speakers at the panel discussion, or for more information, please contact:

Jenna DiPaolo Colley at

[email protected] or

+1 202-412-0331

Coimbra Sirica at

[email protected] or

+1 301-943-3287

Key Spokespeople

Download a PDF of the key spokespeople biographies here.

  • Constance Teage, Program Manager, Community Land Protection Program, Sustainable Development Institute, Liberia
  • Joan Carling, Secretary General, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), Philippines
  • Mark Eckstein, Director, Environmental and Social Responsibility, CDC Group, UK
  • Lou Munden, Founder, TMP Systems, UK
  • Rukka Sombolinggi, Deputy to Secretary General, Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN), Indonesia
  • Luis Felipe Duchicela, Adviser on Indigenous Peoples, Global Social Programs Unit, The World Bank
  • Andy White, Coordinator, Rights and Resources Initiative, USA

Launch Event

RRI will launch its annual review of the state of rights and resources in 2015-2016 discussing key questions for the year ahead and complementary reports exploring the costs of allocating protected lands in Liberia and the DRC at a panel event in London on February 3, 2016. For more information on the panel discussion, click here.

The event will be webcast live on February 3, 2016 (9:30 am – 12 pm GMT)To watch the webcast, click here. Questions can be sent to rridialogue on Skype or @RightsResources on Twitter.

Additional Resources


Click on the images to download full size versions.

RRI 2016 Annual Review GIF: Change in Land Owned or Designated for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities


For other image sizes and formats, please contact [email protected].