The Yaoundé conference on forest tenure” governance and enterprise has enjoyed considerable attention from many international media outlets.

Statistics from the central document released for the conference” RRI and ITTO’s Tropical Forest Tenure Assessment” serve as the centerpiece in much of the coverage.

For a more detailed look at  the media coverage of the conference and the Assessment” please read the following articles:

28 May

Mongabay: Indigenous people” forest communities in Africa control less than 2% of forest land

La Nouvelle Expression (Cameroon): Gestion des forêts : La nécessité d’une réforme foncière

Cameroun Online: Gestion des forêts: La nécessité d’une réforme foncière

27 May

Nature (UK): The Great Beyond Blog: African forests at risk from slow land reform progress

BBC Brasil: Desmatamento na áfrica é quatro vezes a média mundial” dizem ONGs

26 May

Ekolist (Czech Republic): BBC: Kácení lesů v Africe postupuje nejrychleji na světě

BBC News (UK): Deforestation ‘faster in Africa’

UN IRIN News: Who owns the forests?

COP15 Copenhagen News: Deforestation in Africa is four times the world’s average Just 2% of Africa’s Forests in Community Control: No Wonder Deforestation Rates are So High

City/Corrière della Sera (Italy): “I governi svendono le foreste”

Nettavisen (Norway): Afrika avskoges

Pressetext (Austria): Afrikas Wälder verschwinden am schnellsten

Africa Science News Service: Slow Forest Tenure Reform Threatens Action Africa’s’ Against Climate Change

Cameroon Tribune: Bois tropicaux : Comment exploiter la forêt en prenant en compte le sort des riverains

Angola Press: Deforestation faster in Africa

Cameroon Radio and Television Online: Ecosystem: Forestry Management strategy under review

Cameroon Radio and Television Online: La gestion durable et équitable des ressources forestières en Afrique