RRI Partner RECOFTC has released a series of short documentary films looking at community forestry in Asia through the eyes of local communities. Produced in collaboration with Asia-Works” Voices of the Forest: Community Forestry in Asia looks at experiences from Cambodia” Thailand and Nepal.

Please click on the links below to view the videos” and visit the RECOFTC website for more information.

Cambodia: The Last Chance

In Kampong Thom province” local communities have only recently been granted formal rights to manage their forests. Many of the forests are severely degraded and communities face a long road towards forest restoration before they can properly benefit. Community forestry may be the last chance for Cambodia’s dwindling forests.

Thailand: The Exception to the Rule

After years of exploitation by loggers and companies” villagers of Prednai fought back to regain their land and to restore their valuable mangrove forest. Hailed as a success” Prednai villagers are sustainably managing their resources and making the most of the economic opportunities” but for Thailand Prednai is the exception” not the rule.

Nepal: Forever Green

Concerned with rampant forest destruction in Nepal” the Government handed over much of the national forest estate to local communities. Throughout the country” local people then embarked on a massive project to turn scrubland back into forest. Through careful planning and community dedication” the forests have been revived and funds accumulated for community development. But many challenges remain” not least in trying to keep younger generations involved.