During the 42nd session of the International Tropical Timber Council”which took place in Port Moresby” Papua New Guinea last week” the CivilSociety and Advisory Group hosted a side-event on sustainable forestmanagement in Papua New Guinea: StepsToward Sustainability – Institutional conditions and marketopportunities for sustainable forest management in PNG. What civilsociety is doing to foster solutions to various issues facing forests.
Yati Bun and FPCD coordinated inputs from PNG civil society and organized the CSAG event” with Steven Kelleher of IUCN and H.K. Chen of TRAFFIC International.
Alsoduring the session” representatives of PNG civil society presented todelegates a review of ITTO projects in PNG. This review found that fewof the 12 projects in PNG have been independently evaluated” and thatthe findings have been largely negative.
In addition” during the weeks' events FPCDand the Madang Forest Resource Owners were awarded with a “Well ManagedForest Certification” under the Forest Stewardship Council standard.This is a significant milestone achievement for FPCD and the MadangForest Resource Owners” as this certificate denotes a high-level ofsustainable community-level management.
Read the full closing statement from CSAG” including recommendations to the ITTC” here.
More on this ITTC session here.