In a press release issued on May 2nd” groups representing Indigenous Peoples expressed outrage over the endorsement of carbon trading in the final report of the 7th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. According to groups attending the forum” the report ignored the consistent testimony of Indigenous Peoples who condemned the injustices associated with existing carbon trading systems” including violations of basic rights to territories” resources and livelihoods. In a statement issued by Florina Lopez” Coordinator of the Indigenous Women’s Biodiversity Network of Abya Yala:


“Indigenous Peoples attending the 7th session of the Permanent Forum are profoundly concerned that our key recommendations on climate change are not being taken into account by the Permanent Forum. This Permanent Forum was created precisely to recognize” promote” and support the rights of Indigenous Peoples”

Several groups took the floor on the final day of the forum last week demand that the report reflect the voices of the Indigenous Peoples community.

To view a copy of the press release” click here.