Delegates at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues called for indigenous peoples to be included as stakeholders in the global climate change mitigation plans” reported Amazonia News last week. According to representatives at the forum” the proposed initiatives could be disastrous for indigenous communities” threatening their basic rights” resources and land. These effects would follow the existing damage exacted by both climate change and mitigation efforts” which have already displaced many indigenous communities from their territories” said a speaker from the Pacific Caucus.


Representatives from a variety of organizations agreed that in order to implement effective and equitable solutions” the voices of indigenous peoples must be meaningfully integrated into the global dialogue and planning of climate change mitigation strategies.


For additional information on the potential impacts of mitigation strategies on indigenous communities” please view the Forest Peoples Programme report: Seeing REDD? Avoided Deforestation and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities by Tom Griffiths.


To see the original article in Amazonia News” click here.