On March 19″ 2014″ RRI will host its 15th Dialogue on Forest” Governance and Climate Change” taking stock of two far-reaching developments in global efforts to reduce forest-based emissions:
- The agreement reached on REDD+ at COP19 in Warsaw” and
- International efforts to promote the establishment of forest carbon rights in forested countries.
The Warsaw agreement gave a burst of new energy to the REDD+ community” and the debate now shifts to what activities to prioritize” how to make real progress on the ground” and how to monitor compliance with safeguards. The question of how to establish carbon rights – in countries where ownership over land and forests is already frequently contested and carbon legislation rare – is now being driven by the finalization of a carbon purchasing policy by the World Bank's Carbon Fund.
Discussion in this dialogue will include assessing the opportunities and challenges presented by these developments and priority steps forward to ensure that the rights of Indigenous Peoples and other local communities are enhanced and safeguarded.
Participants from community organizations” governments” private sector firms” donor agencies” and research and development organizations form around the world will discuss topics such as:
- What happened in Warsaw with implications for carbon rights and safeguards?
- The status of forest carbon rights today
- The World Bank methodological framework: status” challenges and opportunities
- The way forward on carbon rights” safeguards and REDD
Space is limited for this event but please note that the event will be webcast live in English” Spanish and French. Register now on our event page.
Agenda and other details will be available soon.
For questions” please contact [email protected].