The Accra Caucus on Forests and Climate Change published a report this month which details an alternative vision for slowing deforestation through addressing the drivers of deforestation” rather than focusing solely on carbon. The report” “Realising Rights” Protecting Forests: An alternative vision for reducing deforestation”” features eight case studies written by local NGOs and are thematically grouped.
REDD and the participation of forest-dependent communities are examined in Indonesia by HuMa” in Ecuador by CEPLAES” and in the Democratic Republic of Congo by RRN and DGPA. Brazil’s ISA explores the resilience of local land rights in the face of REDD” while CED does so in Cameroon and EFF-PNG writes about the topic for Papua New Guinea. Community forestry options are discussed in Tanzania by TFCG and MJUMITA and by FECOFUN in Nepal.
The Accra Caucus is a global network of NGOs representing approximately 100 civil society and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations from 38 countries.
The report is available online through RRI in English” Spanish” and French.