In July, FECOFUN leaders and other civil society representatives met with government and private sector actors to discuss the role of community forest enterprise (CFE) in advancing development and green growth goals. On July 16, this first-of-its-kind meeting in Indreni Foodland identified the private sector?s role in CFE development in Nepal, provided an opportunity to discuss CFEs contribution to Nepal?s Green Growth agenda, and address ongoing challenges to the sector. As a result, both civil society and private sector leaders have agreed to develop a common advocacy agenda to ensure they meet community livelihoods and national revenue generation goals. To follow on this progress, nine district workshops were held in the Doti districts to create awareness of the barriers inhibiting advancement of sustainable forest management, forest enterprise, green job creation, and overall economic growth. Localized strategizes were identified and put in place to overcome these obstacles to success. Two-thousand community members participated, gaining critical insight on how the roles of various stakeholders affect success of CFEs and green jobs initiatives. The media attention earned from these workshops catalyzed new political will on the part of community forest user groups (CFUGs), roll back regulatory barriers to CFE development, and could impact voter behavior in national elections to be held in November.