On December 16-22, RRI organized an exclusive fact-finding trip for a reporter from Agence France-Presse (AFP), to Sinoe County, Liberia, where palm oil company Golden Veroleum (GVL) has displaced local communities to clear land for a 220,000 hectare plantation. The trip followed the filing of a complaint to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), by Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) on behalf of the aggrieved communities; the complaint was recently validated and accepted for review by RSPO. Green Advocates led the visit, connecting the reporter with local community members, leading to the publication of several international media stories highlighting their case. Immediately following the visit, however, several members who had spoken with the journalist were arrested by local police. They were eventually released after efforts and pressure exerted by the Green Advocates, FPP and the media.