Rethinking Forest Regulations

07/22/2013 - 07/26/2013





Organized by Rights and Resources Initiative" the United States Forest Service and the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation" this meeting is designed to better prepare and inform forest agency officials and civil society organizations to the challenges of forest regulations. It exposes participants to a successful and innovative regulatory model which includes stakeholders and respects inpidual and collective property rights. It promotes improved information sharing among the participants through frank and open dialogue in a small group setting through discussion of broader challenges facing forest agencies.

The tour begins in the Lubrecht Experimental Forest with an orientation on the legal and administrative structure and in-depth reviews of Montana’s Best Management Practice system (BMP). The workshop includes several field trips to harvesting operations" where particpants learned how logging operations are audited through BMP monitoring in practice" and to tribal lands to understand how federal" state and tribal jurisdictions interact" among other sites.

This year" the meeting will bring together participants from countries currently carrying out forest or tenure reforms" such as Colombia" Nepal" Myanmar" Senegal" Mali" DRC" and Guatemala. 


To access the workshop's presentations and other resources please click here.


For more information" please contact Claire Biason at cbiason(at)