MegaFlorestais 2011

10/17/2011 - 10/21/2011





MegaFlorestais 2011 was co-hosted by the National Forest Commission and the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources of the United Mexican States" in cooperation with RRI.


The conference was the sixth meeting of “MegaFlorestais"” an informal group of public forest agency leaders dedicated to advancing international dialogue and exchange on transitions in forest governance" forest industry" and the roles of public forest agencies. The group included the heads of forestry agencies of the largest forest countries in the world which are willing to share their experiences and challenges in a frank" open and technical manner.


The meeting took place in Oaxaca" Mexico" and focused on “Forest Governance in Times of Economic Turmoil”. It discussed the challenges of managing forests in today’s economic environment" confronting the effects of climate change" promoting restoration" reforming tenure" strengthening governance and the contributions of forests to community development" and the changing roles of forest agencies. In addition" the meeting discussed transitions in the global forest industry" and how agencies are responding to ensure that their domestic industries continue to contribute to rural development. Issues associated with the so-called “land grab”" the sale of forested lands around the world to meet energy and food security needs have been on the minds of many forest leaders as well" since forest lands are often the most fertile and productive. 

  • Agenda
  • List of Participants
  • Summary


Oaxaca" un Estado Forestal" Caracterìsticas" Recursos" y Esquemas de Gobernanza Comunitaria

Ricardo Ramírez Domínguez" UZACHI

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Peter Riggs" Ford Foundation and Jeffrey Hatcher" Rights and Resources

Tenure Rights" Land Grabs and Food Security
Jeffrey Hatcher" Rights and Resources

Global Trends for Investments in Forestry & Bio-Energy
Don Roberts" CIBC World Markets" Inc.

Forest Land Tenure and Community Forestry in Mexico
Juan Manuel Torres Rojo" CONAFOR

Payment for Environmental Services as a Conservation Instrument
Juan Manuel Torres Rojo" CONAFOR

Political Responses to Climate Change" Wildfires and Landscape Scale Restoration
Leslie Weldon" USDA Forest Service

United States of America Forests
Leslie Weldon" USDA Forest Service

PES in Indonesia
Putera Parthama" R&D Centre for Forest Engineering and Forest Product Processing

Ixtlan de Juarez
Jesus Paz Perez" Agricultural Services of Ixtlan de Juarez

Global Trends in Global Trade
Tom Rosser" Natural Resources Canada 

Mountain Pine Beetle in Canada: A Case Study
Tom Rosser" Natural Resources Canada   



Speech (Spanish) by Andy White

Executive Director" Rights and Resources