Working Lunch at the Second UN-REDD Programme Policy Board Meeting






The UN-REDD Programme held its second policy board meeting on 14 and 15 June 2009 in Montreux" Switzerland. The board expressed great interest in issues such as measurement" reporting and verification (MRV)" possible issues and opportunities in achieving multiple benefits for biopersity and livelihoods from REDD as well as governance and participation. To that objective" RRI coordinator Andy White was invited to deliver a Working Lunch presentation on “Safeguards and Governance for Effective REDD Programs"” on behalf of the Advisory Group on Forests Rights and Climate Change (AG-FRCC). Alberto Chinchilla of RRI partner organization ACICAFOC also gave a presentation on the AG-FRCC.

RRI is currently the secretariat of the AG-FRCC" which is “an independent group created to facilitate a broad range of direct input from civil society actors on issues of forest governance to forest-climate initiatives. A formal link with UN-REDD was established during the first meeting of the Policy Board in Panama. Current members include ACICAFOC" CAPRi" Civic Response Ghana" FERN" Forest Peoples Programme" Intercooperation" Rainforest Foundation Norway and Tebtebba.”

  • UN-REDD Policy Board Meeting Page
  • Agenda
  • List of Participants


Safeguards and Governance for Effective REDD Programs
Andy White" RRI

More information on the AG-FRCC

Alberto Chinchilla - Presentation on the AG-FRCC