Community Rights Law with Respect to Forest Lands: Design and Implementation
Date: 04/04/2008
Location: Liberia
Location Name: Krystal Ocean View Hotel
City: Monrovia
Country: Liberia
As Liberia confronts a crucial stage in its progress towards establishing a legal framework that recognizes community rights over forest lands" the need to drive ahead such tenure policy reform is urgent. Such legislation is central to allowing the possibility for forest resources to be used and exploited by and for the benefit of those who occupy forest lands. Recognizing the role that poor governance of natural resources played in fomenting and financing Liberia’s recent civil war" the forestry sector is poised for change" and has stressed the need for forestry activities to produce more tangible" equitable and sustainable benefits for all Liberians.
Given this context" Green Advocates will hold a workshop on in collaboration with Rights and Resources Intiative" in Monrovia" April 4" 2008" with the goal of advancing efforts to draft" pass and implement a community rights law with respect to forest lands.
- Meeting Agenda
Workshop Presentations
The Community Forest Rights Law: Where is it Going?
Liz Alden Wily" Independent Land Tenure and Natural Resource Analyst
Presentation of a Draft Comprehensive Community Rights Law with Respect to Forestlands
Alfred Brownell" Green Advocates" Liberia
Media coverage
Read more about this event and see a list of articles from media coverage in Liberian newspapers here.