On October 30th and 31st” the Socialization of the Studies and Maps of the Investment Projects in Infrastructure” Energy” Extractive Activities and Pressures Affecting Forests and Communities in the Chocó Region workshop” organized by Rights and Recourses Initiative” the Asociación Ambiente Sociedad” and the Instituto del Bien Común” presented on the current extractive pressures taking place in the Choco Bioregion” particularly within Panama” Ecuador” Peru and Colombia. Different presentations were shared” based on the implications of the current and future extractive projects in each country” displaying distinct approaches within the region. In addition to sharing the different geographical level of research” legal and technical community leaders from different countries who attended” also unveiled their current situation from extractive development in the region.

One study that was presented was an investigation from the perspective of investors in extractive projects in mining” road and port infrastructures – currently in the planning and execution process within the Pacific side of Colombia – and an analysis showing the evolution of the laws in extractive activities in Colombia” highlighting the transformations taking place.

For more information contact: Karina Navas