As written by Pablo Farias in The New York Times on January 29″ 2012

The rights of rural people everywhere are under assault by governments seeking profits from forested lands looked upon as open wilderness. But from the Amazon to Indonesia” more than a billion people live and depend on remote landscapes. When governments ignore these populations and hand concessions to business” conflicts erupt” livelihoods are disrupted and the environment suffers.

Studies show that when the land rights of rural communities are recognized” far more sustainable land uses evolve. In fact” land rights are central to limiting climate change” with countries like Mexico” where 60 percent of forests are managed by local people” leading the way.

At the Earth Summit in Rio this summer” leaders would do well to endorse community land rights not just in Liberia but around the world.


Vice President” Economic Opportunity

and Assets” Ford Foundation

New York” Jan. 25″ 2012