In February 2011″ the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced that The Asociación Forestal Integral de San Andrés Petén (AFISAP) was one of two winners of the 2011 Sasakawa Prize” whose theme for this year was “Forests for People” Forests for Green Growth.” AFISAP” an organization affiliated with RRI Collaborator in Guatemala” ACOFOP” is a community-based organization of a forest concession in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve which works to conserve and sustainably manage its communities’ forests. AFISAP’s work has revealed that “the Mayan Reserve has the highest-density of jaguars ever reported in the world 11 jaguars/100 km2” (see press release” below)” and has contributed to the successful sustainable production of xate” a non-timber forest product used throughout the world in flower arrangements” and a source of income for the communities that inhabit the forest concession area. The other award recipient was the Manahari Development Institute in Nepal (MDI-Nepal).

Read the UNEP Press Release here.