On November 30th” 2010″ in a side event at the COP16 in Cancun” Mexico” the Mesoamerican Community Carbon Reservoir” MesoCarbon” was launched by the newly formed Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests. MesoCarbon brings together a wide array of indigenous and forest peoples organizations from across Central America” including RRI Partner ACICAFOC and RRI Collaborators ACOFOP” CADPI” CCMSS”  and Ut’z Che’” to provide alternative models for REDD+ implementation which take into account the territorial” cultural” and political rights of the communities in forests. By promoting respect for these rights” MesoCarbon seeks to strengthen territorial governance and social justice. The MesoCarbon initiative covers 50 million hectares of forests across the Central American region” and includes indigenous and community organizations from Panama” Nicaragua” Honduras” Guatemala” Costa Rica” Belize” and Mexico. 

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