REDD: The Realities in Black and White

Friends of the Earth International” November 2010
Posted on 02″ December” 2010

“The case studies in this report clearly show there is a major REDD race already underway. They also show that REDD projects vary significantly” depending on the country of implementation and the objectives of the project sponsors. Although some projects are more thoughtfully designed” others are clearly focused on maximizing returns. Even in the best-case scenario” however” it seems Indigenous Peoples must work extremely hard to make themselves heard or to benefit from REDD on an equitable basis. Furthermore” civil society organizations deemed critical of REDD are often excluded from consultations” and their previous inputs are ignored. In addition” some investors are obviously trying to hurry the deal-making process along as rapidly as possible” even if it means exerting undue pressure on negotiating partners or skipping parts of already-agreed processes” such as consultation. […]

In many countries there is also ongoing uncertainty about land tenure and carbon rights” and in some it seems that REDD is muddying these particular waters even further. Overall there remains a significant risk that REDD will result in the privatization of the world’s forest resources” transferring them out of the hands of Indigenous Peoples and local communities” and into the hands of bankers and carbon traders.”

Download the report here