The provincial legislature of British Columbia has recently introduced a new First Nations’ woodland license. The Forests and Range (First Nations Woodland License) Statutes Act introduced on 26 April will provide for forest tenure that is unique to First Nations.

“The new tenure is in response to requests from First Nations for an area-based tenure specifically designed for First Nations”” said B.C. Forests and Range Minister Pat Bell. “Through discussions with many First Nations” we were able to shape this new tenure and also meet one of the recommendations from the Working Roundtable on Forestry.”

The new woodland license is a First Nations' area-based tenure and can include both  private and reserve lands. New licenses will only be made available to First Nations that have an interim measures agreement with the government and the initial duration of the license will be set at 25 years.  First Nations with licenses in their existing agreements will be able to convert some of them to a First Nations’ woodland license.

Read further coverage of the story at and access the full legislation text.