Protected Area Effectiveness in Reducing Tropical Deforestation:

A Global Analysis of the Impact of Protection Status

Andrew Nelson and Kenneth M. Chomitz

As countries around the world continue their consideration of REDD – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation – guidance on how to most effectively achieve meaningful GHG reductions is crucial.  In a new evaluation brief from the Independent Evaluation Group at the World Bank” authors Nelson and Chomitz assess the impact of protected areas on the prevalence of deforestation fires” which are the best available globally consistent proxy for deforestation at a fine spatial scale. Unlike previous studies” this analysis provides a thorough measure of the effectiveness of protection as a function of varying degrees of deforestation pressure” as well as for different classes of protection (strict” multi-use and indigenous).  Amongst its key conclusions” the analysis finds indigenous forests more effective in preventing fires and deforestation than protected areas or multiple use areas.  

Read the full report here.