The Papua New Guinea Eco-Forestry Forum reported today that the PNG Supreme Court has overturned the Malaysian conglomerate Rimbunana Hijau’s rights to log in the vast Kamula Dosa concession. 
Eco-Forestry Forum” a PNG civil society group” has contested the legality of RH’s claim to the concessions since it was granted by a National Court in 2007. After delaying the case for almost two years”  RH conceded that their logging activity in this 791″000 hectare forest area of PNG’s Western Province was illegal” just moments before the trial hearing began.
Eco-Forestry Forum Executive Director Thomas Paka declared the ruling “a great victory for civil society and non-government organisations in general.” Chairperson Kenn Mondiai cautioned that there is still “widespread illegal logging in PNG facilitated by the government…This is only a tip of an iceberg.”