World Forestry Day commemorates the contribution and value of forests and forestry to the community. It has been celebrated around the world for 30 years to remind people of the importance of forests and the many benefits we gain from them. The concept of having a World Forestry Day originated at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1971. March 21st” the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere” and the vernal equinox in the Northern” was chosen as a day dedicated to increase public awareness on 3 key facets of forestry: production” protection and recreation.

This year's theme is “Biodiversity and Climate Change”. Let's mention a few of the many articles and activities celebrating World Forestry Day:

– Conservation International highlights the efforts of a small-scale forestry project in China to meet international standards on curbing climate change.

– India addresses issues of ownership of minor forest as a way to reduce poverty.